Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • The NEET-CUET Phenomenon: Part 3

    The NEET-CUET Phenomenon: Part 3

    This is the second part of the NEET-CUET Phenomenon by Prof. Anil Sadgopal. The NEET-CUET Phenomenon: Assault on India’s Federal Character Article 1 (1) of the Constitution states: “India, that is Bharat, shall be a Union of States.” The wide-ranging and crucial implications of this vision of the Constitution were deliberated upon by Babasaheb Dr.…

  • The NEET-CUET Phenomenon: Part 2

    The NEET-CUET Phenomenon: Part 2

    This is the second part of the NEET-CUET Phenomenon by Prof. Anil Sadgopal. NEET: A Conspiracy against Level Playing Field 2The basic critique on NEET is applicable to CUET as well. It is in the above framework of the trinity of Equality, Liberty and Fraternity, as elaborated by Dr. Ambedkar, (in Part 1 of this…

  • National Education Policy 2022: The NEET-CUET Phenomenon-Part 1

    National Education Policy 2022: The NEET-CUET Phenomenon-Part 1

    National Education Policy 2022: Assault on the Constitutional vision of education and Existing Level-Playing Field with Agenda of Exclusion, Corporatisation & Enslavement National Education Policy 2022: Introduction “ . . . certain educationists in India who believe that the raising of the standard of examination is equivalent to the raising of the standard of education…

  • Challenges for the Education of the Oppressed-Exploited Castes & Classes

    Challenges for the Education of the Oppressed-Exploited Castes & Classes

    Background The struggle for education in India is multifaceted and deeply intensive. The older the caste system, the older the struggle for education. The Education system works as a part of the Social system. Therefore, it is vital to understand the form and direction of the social system in a broad sense and in its…

  • Education in times of Covid-19

    Education in times of Covid-19

    It had been almost a month and I was still very anxious of using the apps and the internet. It was very confusing and I was very flustered using the internet as the network wasn’t proper and any video conference wouldn’t last longer. I was used to hearing Digital India all the time and I…

  • Corona Road Encounters

    Corona Road Encounters

    It was a regular Saturday and we were heading to our local market to pick up our usual vegetables and fruits. Me and my wife had a very tense day with all the online education mess. It was a tough day for teaching and we were looking forward to a relaxed weekend. We were aware…

  • India: Edtech Capital. Bharat: Awaiting access to Education

    India: Edtech Capital. Bharat: Awaiting access to Education

    India: Edtech Capital reads the headlines. Is it actually true or merely a gimmick of the statistics? Just casually read an article on LinkedIn News India. The headline is a clear indication that the pandemic has been successful in unveiling the seamless blind privilege that extends across all vectors. The original news, which is from…

  • Eligibility Tests: The need for alternatives.

    Eligibility Tests: The need for alternatives.

    Eligibility Tests: National and State Tests are hot cakes amongst young graduates. And rightfully so, because these tests grant the license to teach in the HE (Higher Education) sector of India. UGC-NET is the bull’s-eye of every post graduate who wishes to teach. Eligibility Test: An Introduction NET (National Eligibility Test) & SET (State Eligibility…

  • Guru Nanak Dev Ji – A Timeline to be revered

    Guru Nanak Dev Ji – A Timeline to be revered

    Guru Nanak Dev ji, founder of the Sikh faith was born in 1469 at Rai Bhoi Di Talwandi, currently known as Nankana Sahib, Pakistan. This glorious place is situated near Lahore. Nanak was born at the third day of the month of Vaisakh (April-May according to Gregorian calendar) on Saturday 15th April 1469. Gurpurab is…

  • Why Indian parents want to send their kids to college.

    Why Indian parents want to send their kids to college.

    Indian parents want to send their kids to college is a wish most parents harbour. The societal moral pressure is too much for them to blurt it. Here are some reasons why. Observations for why Indian parents want to send their kids to college. I just finished my duties of an invigilator at the offline/physical…

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